Thursday, May 25, 2006

Today I resigned

Today I resigned
Finally I did!
It’s been a long time
Five long years!

A learning experience
Though a sharp feeling
Of being used
Of being deprived

A chunk of my life
Given away
An experience
But nothing else

Perhaps this is
A new beginning
Perhaps better things
Are on my way

I will sorely miss
The people, the work
But never really
The lousy pay

And with that thought
I feel very nice
It was time
To move away

They have been long
Long five years
Today I did
I finally resigned!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Our Fight

A few hours
Like eternity

The heart feels
A wild tightening
The hours are drag
The day looks dim

My smile feels
Frozen on lips
A forced action
For sake of civility

The eyes feel
The need to cry
Tears somehow
Refuse to flow out

For the first time
Ever since we met
Your voice unheard
Your breath not felt

A few hours
Like eternity!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Seven Stages of an Employee

The seven stages that an employee goes through..

1. The excitement stage – you are new and you are excited to have a job and you want to get going! – A pretty short lived stage!

2. The Feel-good stage – you are just beginning to understand how things work (or you think they work!) and are in this blissful stage because people are encouraging and being nice to you – little do you know that your mistakes are being forgiven only because you are new and people are just giving you more time!

3. The confused stage – this is when everyone in the office “assumes” you have learnt the basics and are ready to take in more, so all the work starts getting directed to you and you don’t know where you are going!

4. The crazy stage – when you know pretty much how everything works in the office (and you do!) but you are still not the expert so you slip once in a while but wont agree you did coz you think you know better!

5. The experienced stage – When you know that you know better (and you do!) and yet you know that life is a learning process, but you can handle it!

6. The want to go stage – you are experienced, but you know you are not getting your worth and you start looking elsewhere for a better deal (better pay or better treatment or both!)

7. Experienced but crazy stage – you have surpassed all the above stages and still there. Now you know mostly everything but you know so much and you have reached such an age that you become a little crazy and start expecting everyone else in the office – the employees undergoing the different stages above – to know as much as you do!

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Enthralled I watched
The sweet union
The coloured rapture
The merging of bodies

The stillness in one
The lapping another
The fiery globe
Drowning or hiding?

The colours vanished
Slow and steady
The bodies merged
In dark fantasy

The stars twinkled
In celebration
The night united
The sky and the sea


Friday, May 12, 2006

Silk n Silkworm

Adorns the form
Of rich damsels
A classic wear
A simple drape

How valuable
How soft it feels
A woman’s choice
The gleaming fabric

A crawl on greens
Munching leaves
A mere insect
Creating links

The value worm
A unique bred
Oozing out
The silken thread



Tender Words, Sweet words 
Words of Wisdom, Words that Heal 

Words that make you smile a while 
Words that give you hope at length 
Words that blow your mind away 
Words that cheer and give you strength 

Harsh Words, Bitter words 
Words of hate, Words that kill 

Words that bring tears to the eyes 
Words that make you hide away 
Words that put you in misery 
Words that bring sorrow, dismay 

Think twice then open you mouth 
Mind your words, mind what you say 
Words are not "but just words" 
Words have a power to nurture or slay! 



When I was just a child, happiness was so rife
Ignorant of all ill will, basking in myths of life

The days were so bright, future so promising
The antics of young mind so very enchanting!

And as life took new turns, over phases of age
The scenes that I saw, brought disgust and rage

The tender mind each day, turning into a rock
Each new experience, rocking the mind with shock!

Hatred everywhere, greed causing deep agony
Lust dominant, love outdated – way past glory

What childhood had dreamt and young age envisaged
Was not the reality, but an overwhelming mirage!


I Live by the day!

Dewdrops on the leaf
Shining like pearl
The morning mist
Encompassing the world

The sun has yet
To show its face
The early day
In the fogs embrace

Stillness in air
Softness in breeze
The shine of heat
Held on a leash

Soon will depart
The lumbering haze
The earth will glitter
The sun will blaze

The calmness of dawn
The noon’s fire
Both touch my heart
Both inspire

From the dawn
I learn to control
The feeling of heart
The desires of soul

The heat of the day
Strengthens my resolve
To fight difficulties
To achieve my goal

The early mornings
Show me the way
To live my life
I learn from the day

~ Sabiha

His Love - Her Guide

The struggles of life had made her vile
In the smoke she found solace
The amber liquid scorched her throat
Her nights long and languorous

He brought to her hope of life
A dream to see, a dream to live
He made her see her inner light
To fight with the demons of doubt

His arms gave her, strong support
Bestowing peace and stability
Her world much brighter today
He made the world worth living

With him as her guiding force
She undertook life’s new journey
A chance meeting, a loving gaze
Forever changed her destiny


Lost without you!

Through your love alone I found
The desire to live on
And hope in my eyes
Of a future oh so bright!

Each day I lived with you
Was the best day of my life
For I was in the warmth
Of your kind and spirited light

You made me a better person
You brought wisdom to me
Of love, life and living
Your kindness gave insight

But since you turned away
And left no mark to follow
I have been wandering aimless
My life one endless night

How can I regain my faith?
How can I bring you back?
What need I do pray tell me?
That will relieve my plight!



When words fail to convey, the messages of the heart
What can a lonely soul do? Where can I make a start?

I live to love them all, and love I do - a lot
But that’s not what they want - the people of my heart

What is seen is how much, we have gained or bought
Not of love or wisdom, but wealth of other sort

Pureness of the heart, is not in list of wants
Money does the talking, and gold here enchants

The world is not for people, like me who just believe
That love is all it takes, to keep going, to live

For I am called a loser - a loser so despised
Because I do not subscribe, to their kind of life

Though loser I may be, in their vocabulary
Who really is the winner? Will have to wait and see!


Deserts Destiny

Winter is round the corner
Cool breeze will act as balm
On weary souls and parched land
Some hope to carry on….

The deserts are but barren
And hot as they can be
The sun scorching as ever
And water a scarcity…

Some seasons bring along happiness
And hope of life again
And yet they never really
Change the dunes destiny…

For sand is as light as can be
And floats along with air
One dune eroding away
And one forming elsewhere…


Tomorrow or Today?

Till tomorrow
I wait a day
But tomorrow never
Comes my way

The moment today
Becomes yesterday
Tomorrow turns
Into Today

I think and I think
But haven’t found a way
To make Tomorrow
Stay that way

So now I think
Why waste your time?
When Tomorrow turns
Today everyday?

So let it stay
and be this way
Forget tomorrow
And live for Today!



A smile
A shoulder
A word
A whisper
A wink
A banter
A hope
A laughter
A life
A wonder
